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(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)


There are 2 studies that match your criteria.
Criteria: Freq Range=300 kHz - 300 GHz (RF/mmW/THz),Study Type=Epidemiology,Study Subtype=Subjective Symptoms (e.g., Headaches, Hypersensitivity, Fatigue),Status=Completed Without Publication

Details - Project ID 836
Lab Seoul National University, Korea
Study Design  900, 1800 MHz (CW, CDMA) mobile phone use in Korea and correlation with subjective symptoms
Summary  Increased dizziness, nausea, eye pain, fatigue, insomnia, heat sensations, and ear irritation with frequent cell phone use
Details - Project ID 853
Lab Scientific Center for Hygine, Kiev, Ukraine
Study Design  450 MHz (NMT) exposure from mobile phone use in the Ukraine and correlation with subjective complaints
Summary  Increased correlation with headache in younger users of NMT (analoge) mobile phones

A complete list of authors are available for published studies on the IEEE database.