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EMF Study
(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)

ID Number 2425
Study Type In Vivo
Model Thermal preference, sleep stage distribution, vasoconstriction and feeding behavior were recorded in developing rats exposed to low-intensity 900 MHz fields (1 V/m).

AUTHORS' ABSTRACT: Pelletier, de Seze, et al. 2014 (IEEE #5798): Some studies have shown that people living near a mobile phone base station may report sleep disturbances and discomfort. Using a rat model, we have previously shown that chronic exposure to a low-intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) was associated with paradoxical sleep (PS) fragmentation and greater vasomotor tone in the tail. Here, we sought to establish whether sleep disturbances might result from the disturbance of thermoregulatory processes by a RF-EMF. We recorded thermal preference and sleep stage distribution in 18 young male Wistar rats. Nine animals were exposed to a low-intensity RF-EMF (900 MHz, 1 V.m21) for five weeks and nine served as non-exposed controls. Thermal preference was assessed in an experimental chamber comprising three interconnected compartments, in which the air temperatures (Ta) were set to 24uC, 28uC and 31uC. Sleep and tail skin temperature were also recorded. Our results indicated that relative to control group, exposure to RF-EMF at 31uC was associated with a significantly lower tail skin temperature (21.6uC) which confirmed previous data. During the light period, the exposed group preferred to sleep at Ta=31uC and the controls preferred Ta=28uC. The mean sleep duration in exposed group was significantly greater (by 15.5%) than in control group (due in turn to a significantly greater amount of slow wave sleep (SWS, +14.6%). Similarly, frequency of SWS was greater in exposed group (by 4.9 episodes.h21). The PS did not differ significantly between the two groups. During the dark period, there were no significant intergroup differences. We conclude that RF-EMF exposure induced a shift in thermal preference towards higher temperatures. The shift in preferred temperature might result from a cold thermal sensation. The change in sleep stage distribution may involve signals from thermoreceptors in the skin. Modulation of SWS may be a protective adaptation in response to RF-EMF exposure. AUTHORS' ABSTRACT: Pelletier, de Seze et al. 2013 (IEEE #5799): The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on the control of body energy balance in developing organisms have not been studied, despite the involvement of energy status in vital physiological functions. We examined the effects of chronic RF-EMF exposure (900 MHz, 1 V m(-1)) on the main functions involved in body energy homeostasis (feeding behaviour, sleep and thermoregulatory processes). Thirteen juvenile male Wistar rats were exposed to continuous RF-EMF for 5 weeks at 24 °C of air temperature (T a) and compared with 11 non-exposed animals. Hence, at the beginning of the 6th week of exposure, the functions were recorded at T a of 24 °C and then at 31 °C. We showed that the frequency of rapid eye movement sleep episodes was greater in the RF-EMF-exposed group, independently of T a (+42.1 % at 24 °C and +31.6 % at 31 °C). The other effects of RF-EMF exposure on several sleep parameters were dependent on T a. At 31 °C, RF-EMF-exposed animals had a significantly lower subcutaneous tail temperature (-1.21 °C) than controls at all sleep stages; this suggested peripheral vasoconstriction, which was confirmed in an experiment with the vasodilatator prazosin. Exposure to RF-EMF also increased daytime food intake (+0.22 g h(-1)). Most of the observed effects of RF-EMF exposure were dependent on T a. Exposure to RF-EMF appears to modify the functioning of vasomotor tone by acting peripherally through ±-adrenoceptors. The elicited vasoconstriction may restrict body cooling, whereas energy intake increases. Our results show that RF-EMF exposure can induce energy-saving processes without strongly disturbing the overall sleep pattern.

Findings Effects
Status Completed With Publication
Principal Investigator INERIS, Jules Verne U of Picardy, Amiens, France
Funding Agency French Ministry of Ecology
Country FRANCE
  • Pelletier , A et al. PLoS ONE., (2014) 9(6): e99007. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099007:-
  • Pelletier, A et al. Environ Sci Pollut Res., (2013) 20:2735-2746
  • Bosquillon de Jenlis, A et al. Environ Pollut., (2019) :113461-
  • Mai, TC et al. Sci Rep., (2020) 10:5724-
  • Mai, TC et al. Bioelectromagnetics., (2021) doi: 10.1002/bem.22350:-
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