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EMF Study
(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)

ID Number 292
Study Type In Vivo
Model Ultra wide band exposure to mice and analysis of micronuclei formation

CF-1 (male) mice were exposed to UWB RF at 91-103 kV/m (0.92-0.97 nano second rise time and 600 pulses/second repetition rate) in a horn antenna for 15 minutes. Either 18 or 24 hours post-exposure, mice were sacrificed and polychromatic erythrocytes in peripheral blood and bone marrow smears were analyzed for micronuclei formation. Numbers of MN/2000 cells in the blood were as follows: Control = 8.3 (18hrs) & 9.2 (24 hrs), sham = 7.7 (18 hrs) & 8.8 (24 hrs), UWB exposed = 9.7 (18 hrs) & 9.4 (24 hrs), and MMC positive control = 99.2 (18 hrs) & 107.3 (24 hrs).Numbers of MN/2000 cells in the bone marrow were as follows: Control = 8.8 (18hrs) & 9.8 (24 hrs), sham = 7.4 (18 hrs) & 8.1 (24 hrs), UWB exposed = 8.7 (18 hrs) & 10.0 (24 hrs), and MMC positive control = 102.7 (18 hrs) & 114.8 (24 hrs). No statistically significant effects were reported from these data.

Findings No Effects
Status Completed With Publication
Principal Investigator University of Texas, USA -
Funding Agency AF, USA
  • Vijayalaxmi, et al. Int. J. Radiat. Biol., (1999) 75:115-120
  • Vijayalaxmi, et al. Radiat. Res., (1998) 149:308-308
  • Vijayalaxmi, et al. Radiat. Res., (1998) 149:408-408
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