ICES Database
ElectroMagnetic Field Literature
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EMF Study
(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)

ID Number 2934
Study Type Epidemiology
Model Investigation of the association between measured exposure from MPBSs [mobile phone base stations] and the presence of self-reported non-specific and insomnia-like symptoms based on a questionnaire administrated by telephone on environmental concerns, anxiety, and non-specific and insomnia-like symptoms.

Findings No Effects
Status Completed With Publication
Principal Investigator SEPIA-Santé, Baud, France
Funding Agency ?????
Country FRANCE
  • Martin, S et al. Environ Res., (2021) 193:110583-
  • De Giudici, P et al. Environmental Research. , (2021) 194:110500-
  • Comments
