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EMF Study
(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)

ID Number 407
Study Type In Vivo
Model 915, 2450, 9400 MHz (CW) exposure to mice and analysis of cytogenetic effects in male germ cells

CBA mice (male) were exposed to 915 MHz (CW), 2450 MHz (CW), and 9.4 GHz (CW) MW and analyzed for chromosome effects in testes. Following exposure to 2450 MHz (CW) MW for 6 hour/day over a 2 week period at 0.05 - 20 W/kg (whole body average), an SAR dependent increase in chromosome exchanges (aneuploidy, translocations, and the presence of univalents) was observed in germ cells exposed during spermatogenesis. Similar results were observed following exposure to BalbC mice to 9.4 GHz (PW- 0.5 usec pulse width 1 kHz repetition rate) for 1 hour/day at 1 - 100 mW/cm2 over 2 weeks. The authors interpreted these results as indicating athermal effects possibly due to resonant absorption by DNA.

Findings Effects
Status Completed With Publication
Principal Investigator US Food & Drug Administration, USA -
Funding Agency FDA, USA
  • Manikowska-Czerska, E et al. J Hered, (1985) 76:71-73
  • Manikowska, E et al. Experientia, (1979) 35:388-390
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